Choosing The Right Weight Loss Program

Choosing the right weight loss program is a big decision to make: You only live once; your health is of maximum importance and losing weight is a big part of this. When choosing the right weight loss program, one must consider so much more than...

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Weight Loss Surgery

Sometimes, weight loss can be just too difficult to achieve. There are often emotional and psychological issues behind this but it cannot always be resolved in a conventional manner. When this is the case, weight loss surgery may have to be an...

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Slimming Clubs

Slimming clubs certainly have a large target market and there is definitely a need for them given the terrible state of the UK obesity figures. They really don't make for good reading and thus we all need to get out there and do something about it...

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Healthy Recipes

Greater reflection is needed before you plunge yourself into the great sea of ignorance and fallacy known as dieting. There are so many myths and misconceptions and it's hard to know which idiot started them all. One of the biggest of these is the...

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Fat Burning Foods

When you're on a diet, you need to burn off fat in order to lose weight. Many people choose to do this through exercise, although the biggest effort needs to be made through your diet. You need to eat less than you burn and you can achieve this by...

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Eating Healthy Tips

The one big mistake that people make whilst on their diet is their failure to provide themselves with sufficient nutrition. Too many people think that all eating healthy tips lead to some manner of calorie counting and restricting your diet. This...

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