When I first met Gaenor she was like so many women I have worked with that have been battling with their weight for years even decades. She’d tried slimming clubs with her friends, she told me when someone lost, they’d celebrate with a drink and if someone had gained, they’d commiserate with a drink. She’d done Atkins, Cambridge Diet, Cabbage Soup, High Protein, Low Fat, and the list goes on.
Her lifestyle was busy, she had and still has 2 girls in their 20s needing her motherly support, a busy career, and social life, and was taking care of elderly ill parents in the hospital. So, hardly an ideal time to be thinking about weight loss most would say.
After visiting her parents in the hospital on the back of a busy day at work and a 45-minute drive to get there Gaenor had a solitary and sobering moment sitting in the hospital car she thought ‘something had to change, and it needed to be more than just another diet’ Over the years she’d seen her weight creep up to a dangerously high level.
Gaenor knew she needed to find something that would help her holistically, something that would finally help her the results she wanted and to be able to maintain them for the long term...

...and that's when she found the Coach Me Slim & Trim®ď¸Ź program! Gaenor set herself a goal of losing 70 lbs, which was her weight when she got married 30 years before. At the time she set it, she thought it was an impossible goal, that at 55 she could go back 30 years...but...she did it!
Ps: Gaenor eventually lost 85lbs - 6 stone 1lb

Jan lost 34lbs and dropped
from a size 12 to 8
"One of my main concerns about starting on the programme was motivation. It can be easy to get started but keeping it going can be hard when you know you've got a lot of weight to lose. I found the coaching very useful and receiving weekly support emails to encourage and keep me going.
I've made a shift and don't feel like I'm giving up food.
I've found a way of eating that I'm happy with"
Jan, 60, 34lbs Lighter

Helen lost 24lbs and dropped 2 dress sizes
'I think a weight loss journey is a very personal thing and I didn't want to go somewhere like a slimming club as I think that would have been the barrier to stopping me from doing this.
The great thing about having Erak as an online weight loss coach is I could just open my laptop and he was there. His support has been there throughout my weight loss journey and beyond achieving my goal in helping me to maintain it.

Caroline lost 85lbs and
dropped from a size 22 to 12
"I reached out to Erak as I was struggling to walk up the hill to my house my clothes were getting tighter, and I had felt far too many aches and pains for somebody my age so something had to be done. As a former Slimming World leader, I knew something about dieting but I was looking for something more than just dietary advice - I needed something which would help with my mindset and fitness. This program seemed to offer all three, so I made the call for an initial free chat which I liked as there was no pressure to buy anything. This program has helped me lose over 6 stone and reinvent myself in less than 12 months, and it feels fantastic!"
The Online Weight Loss Coach
What if there was a way to achieve the body size, shape and health goals you want without having to be 100% perfect, starve yourself or become a slave to exercise?
Katie wasn't always perfect but still achieved her goals!

Imagine every morning being able to reach into your wardrobe and grabbing whatever you want to wear knowing that it will fit comfortably and you’ll feel great wearing it.
Gaenor now always feels comfortable in her clothes!

Helping Women Over 40 Lose 16 - 31lbs In 12 Weeks With Simplicity, Structure & Accountability
Why Choose Me As Your Online Weight Loss Coach?
Erak Simsson
Award-Winning Creator of The Coach Me Slim & Trim®ď¸Ź Program
Since 2007 I have been working with women and men who had the same challenges you probably have now - overeating, lack of self-belief, and niggles and pains which often left them feeling as though they were almost at the end of the road. But as you can see on this page I've helped people achieve goals they may not have thought possible.
If you're looking for someone who is capable of guiding you step-by-step, supporting you in those moments of self-doubt, and holding you accountable when you'd rather just bury your head in the sand we may just be a good fit.
My qualifications and training include; BSc(Hons) in Exercise, Certified Personal Trainer Cognitive Behaviour Therapy, Neurolinguistic Programming (NLP). When I'm not working as an online weight loss coach I enjoy playing and watching tennis, Wimbledon being my favourite event to watch.
As a personal trainer and former Armed Forces Physical Training Instructor with over 20 years of proven success, I created the Coach Me Slim & Trim® program which has help women and men lose up to 113 lbs [8 stone 1lb] in less than 12 months and take on challenges such as Ride London 100 miles [see Katie below] a Kilimanjaro challenge [see Sue below] and complete the Camino de Santiago walk [see Helen below] Between these 3 women they lost 135lbs and improved their health and fitness

Marie lost over 57lbs and dropped from a size 14 to 8
What made you reach out to Coach Me Slim & Trim®️?
I had tried just about it seemed all of the diets out there and was getting progressively heavier to point where I weighed more than I did when I was 9 months pregnant!
Every day I would wake up and say today’s the day but would start the day wrong often skipping breakfast and by 10 am I would grab some rubbish; crisps, cake or something like that and then say to myself I’ve failed again, and then comfort eat. It felt like I was on a hamster wheel every day repeating the same thing.
To make my situation even more challenging my confidence and self-esteem had hit rock bottom.
So with all of this going on in my head, I decided the only way forward was to take the control out of my hands and opt for weight loss surgery. As I found myself sitting in a private hospital car park with my husband, I thought how had it come to this? It was at this point I reached for help on the Coach Me Slim & Trim®️ program which mentioned something about mindset as well as diet and exercise. Interestingly enough I had researched this programme before but had discounted it as I felt I knew enough about diet and exercise so what could they tell me. Well, I made the call to enquire about the program from the hospital car park!
What would you tell others about Coach Me Slim & Trim®️?
Go for it, this for me has been life changing, this is not a flash in the pan. I’ve been doing this over a year now - it hasn’t been hard! I’ve made some considerable changes but in tiny steps so any one thing hasn’t felt insurmountable, so consequently I haven’t failed at it. You’ll be in a totally non-judgemental environment. You owe it to yourself to at least have a conversation with Erak!
What has improved for you since joining Coach Me Slim & Trim®️?
I still can’t believe it’s my body when I look in the mirror! I feel so much better about myself, and since losing over 4 stone, my cycling ability has improved dramatically along with my mental health. It truly has been a life changing experience, and it’s all happened in less than 9 months and I’m still getting fitter and improving upon what I’ve achieved. The control it has given me is great!

Jo lost 43lbs and dropped 4 dress sizes
"After a kidney transplant, I’d gained some weight and as I was approaching 60, I thought I’d better do something about it. The information was very powerful and practical. It helped me lose over 3 stone and improve my fitness levels. I’m now back into a clothes size I feel comfortable and confident in. My improved fitness levels allowed me to enjoy a very active holiday in New Zealand"
Sue lost 31lbs and dropped from a size 14 to 8
'I just wasn't happy with the way I was looking or feeling and being a bit of a perfectionist if I didn't get everything right I'd just give up. With Erak's coaching, support, and accountability through the Coach Me Slim & Trim program, I have now changed my mindset and I'm much more forgiving of myself

Sue lost 71lbs and dropped
from a size 20 to 12
"After seeing how quickly my husband lost weight with Erak on his Coach Me Slim & Trim program, I decided it was time for me too. I’d see a photo’s of myself at a business awards dinner and didn’t like what I saw!
If I can do it, anyone can do it!! Just have the confidence to make the call - you’ve got nothing other than weight to lose!
I have managed to lose 5st 1lb and dropped from a size 20 – 10. Its given me a new lease of life in more ways than one - I have taken part in the Cancer Research Race for Life and I took part in an expedition up Kilimanjaro!"
Sue, 53, 71lbs Lighter
Get Instant Access to Erak's secrets to Weight Loss that all women over 40 should know!

Coach Me Slim & Trim®ď¸Ź Programme
Quick Overview
Mindset Coaching
Each week you'll have access to step-by-step coaching sessions. Regular live coaching and mastermind sessions
Done for you meal plans, shopping lists, nutrition, and calorie value for each meal, no calorie counting required
Exercise Library
Simple, quick, and effective home exercises to tone and strengthen your body. No gym membership required

Rachel lost 56lbs and dropped from a size 18 to 14
My physiotherapist recommended the Coach Me Slim & Trim® programme to me as he felt that losing some weight would help with my back pain, so I contacted Erak, and after speaking on the phone, I knew that I would be working with a professional that could help me achieve what I wanted. Since losing 56lbs my back pain has reduced and my self-confidence has improved along with my energy levels - the whole thing has been a positive experience! Everyone's situation is a little different, but the best thing is just to make the call and have a conversation with Erak, it’s a free call afterall so you have nothing lose!

Katie lost over 42lbs and dropped from a size 12 to 8
What made you reach out to Coach Me Slim & Trim
I stumbled across a story in a local magazine which was featuring some pretty impressive results women my age had achieved, but the thing that caught my attention was the idea of coaching alongside diet and exercise. I knew of several different gyms, personal trainers, and various slimming clubs but nothing seemed to be offering this sort of approach.
So I made the call and knew just from the sort of questions I was being asked that this was going to be worth a more in-depth consultation. The consultation helped me uncover some of my self-sabotaging habits, but it laid out very clearly how I was going to get the results I wanted. It didn’t appear difficult or complicated, and that did appeal to me.
What would you tell others about Coach Me Slim & Trim?
If you are the sort of person, who is open to being challenged positively to become a better version of yourself and are willing to do the work you will succeed and possibly achieve more than you thought possible.
Katie lost an additional 3lbs post competition